How important is the concept of customer loyalty to you?

The concept of loyalty across the board is very important to me!

I stand beside customers, colleagues, family, friends and all those who support me and my business. I’ll go as far as to say that one couldn’t wish for a better ally. For example, I supported my customer in getting this guy banned from Stereonet, and I’ve helped many others deal with shonky ‘repairers’ and their work.

Commitment and loyalty from the right people can be very beneficial. For customers, it means a level of assistance and support that is almost impossible to find elsewhere. It also means community service, like exposing the crooks destroying people’s hi-fi gear. Yes, these are the right things to do and all businesses should do them, but most don’t, and they don’t always make me the most popular dude at the party.

I’m proud to support customers and the hi-fi community, but it’s a two-way street, and I expect the same in return. Occasionally, people I’ve significantly helped have ‘jumped ship’ and engaged others where it suited them, including undercutters and copycats. This is not ethically aligned with how I do business, and such actions generally preclude further assistance from Liquid Audio.

When it comes to customer loyalty, a simple ‘energy and goodwill in and out’ equation must balance, for me. We firmly stand by those who support us and our work. Perhaps I’m old-fashioned, but I’m glad to view things this way, and I know many of you do, too!

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