Advisory Service Testimonials


Check out testimonials we’ve received from customers who’ve utilised our advisory service.

The general gist is one of tremendous system improvement when utilising the knowledge I pass on. Because of my science-first, experience-based approach, and hands-on experience owning and using gear that many have only dreamed of seeing, I’m able to provide unique insight and recommend improvements that most others cannot.

Feel free to peruse the general feedback we receive from our regular workshop-based customers.



Hello Mike, I sold my C-230 and Technics Sl-1200GR to fi-nal-ly buy a C-280. What a machine. The phono pre is waaaay better than the AD-50 in my E-260. Quite a major step up.

Thank you Mike! Your advice helped me to go for it and I’m glad I did.

Matthjis B

Hey Mike, just want to say a big thank you for today, and for treating a noob like me with respect, I took the VTA mechanism apart cleaned and lubed it, adjusted and tightened the locking screw, now there is basically zero play in the arm, I am so relieved it was not the bearings!!!

Thanks again mate, I’m sure you will hear from me again, I’ll keep an eye on your website for the next phases of my build!

Osman S

Hi Mike

Back in 2020, your advice helped me select a DP-57L as my first turntable. I’ve been very happy with it, but slightly haunted by your various blog posts clearly giving the edge to the Kenwood KD-600/650. Too bad they were next to impossible to find!

Well, I must have done something to please the turntable gods, because a nearly-mint condition KD-650 showed up for sale in my city a few days ago, and I was first to respond, so for only $800 (!!) it is now mine. Score!!!!

Thanks again for your advice and blog posts over the years. I am happy to be one of the owners of this rarefied deck.

Anyway, congratulations on the ongoing success of your business and your website. 

Jagan S

Hello Mike

Well, I got the table for $1,600! 

Absolutely PRISTINE condition … Couple tiny marks that you can’t see unless you really look … He had all the original accessories, plus included the Ortofon Quintet Red with very few hours and mounted on an Sumiko headshell, original headshell and a step down transformer.

I am stunned at the sound quality and improvement over my previous tables, Technics SL-1210M3D and Thorens TD-125, even with the entry level Quintet. Currently contemplating cartridge options, which include the included Quintet Red, my other cartridges (Audio Technica AT33EV or Nagaoka MP-110), a Hana SL I have a line on, or something else.

Anyway, I may buy a bit more of your time soon and ask for your thoughts and recommendations regarding the crowded world of phono cartridges.

Thank you again!


Ty W

Mike I friggin love my amp. You are personally responsible for rekindling my love for music!

Brian E

Hi Mike

Thought I’d let you know I got the Microseiki XX-XXX turntable mat and the (very heavy) Micro XX-XX record weight/clamp. Okay I get it – Physics works – it’s been a wonderful improvement and im very satisfied so thanks for your generous guidance. The turntable sings. 

Arthur P

…Thanks again for providing such a fantastic service! Your professionalism and integrity are commendable. I can’t imagine going anywhere else in the future. Oh and your FAQs are fantastic, by the way.  I’ve been pouring over them this last week and have learned so much, so thank you for that too!

Chris E

… Thanks for the info. I learnt so much! 

Ali S

Hi Mike

It’s such a relief to get clear answers from a trustworthy source, and I really appreciate your ethics too. That is so important, especially in today’s world. 

Thanks so much for your time and help. It is very appreciated and went quite a way to resolve my confusion, which is precisely what I was after 🙂

Kind regards,

Chris E


Thanks to you, I have aquired several new pieces of equipment from Japan that I never thought I would find or own.

You are a legend!

Kris T

Hi Mike

You were right the A-60 and C-2800 crushed the E-303 like Mr T! I’m as happy as a pig in s— and my wife is also appreciating the investment.

Steve M

Mike … you, of course, are a gem. We are so lucky to have someone as passionate, intelligent, ethical and hardworking in little ol’ Perth.
Bravo to you…

David H

I have to say you provide a unique and quite brilliant service to so many of us.  Especially for those who don’t have anywhere near your depth of knowledge and experience.  Congratulations and thank you on such an informative, entertaining and honest site.

Brian R

Honestly, considering the amount of repair and restoration work you must manage, I admire how you find the time and enthusiasm to provide such an amount of interesting and reliable information.

Graeme G

Hi Mike, I really enjoyed our conversation yesterday. Your insights are very helpful.

Don F, USA

Tremendously beneficial, an invaluable session. Mike’s deep knowledge, insights and perspectives … assisted immeasurably in rethinking my own long-standing assumptions and plans in constructing a home listening setup. Recommend reaching out to Mike early in your journey … to gain from his independent perspective and expertise.

Vijay M

I didn’t know that this level of enjoyable noise could come out of this system… WOW! Thanks for your input Mike, you could charge for this advice!

Chuck H, USA

Thank you, Mike … brilliant answer … has made up my mind. My only regret is you are so full of service bookings, I can’t get you to service it when it arrives…

Jon S

Hi Mike, really appreciate the email … more detailed than I was expecting. I have made a further donation … you have provided outstanding service..!

Tony O

You, Mr Mike, are a breath of fresh air in a world where getting to the “core of any issue or decision” regards serious Hi-Fi is becoming increasingly difficult.

Rod P

One of the most helpful guys I have ever spoken to about hi-fi, Mike always has time to give very good advice.


Get the best advice you can find from Mike, and please, stop quoting forum posts as authorities. Only the guys who actually work, live and breathe this stuff really know what they are doing. Trust them, not random strangers, shills and very biased (sometimes blind) owners. Else you can end up with some very expensive mistakes that … Mike can save you from.

Jon S

Your videos and articles are a terrific resource for people who love hi-fi, but don’t know what is good and what is over-hyped and over-priced. I encourage people to support Mike and his business with a small donation. He is truly independent and calls it as he sees it, which is difficult to find these days. Hi-fi magazines are full of glowing reviews, from brands that also advertise with the magazine…

Tony O

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