Vintage vs Modern

Frequently asked questions about vintage vs modern hi-fi equipment and why older gear is often more desirable, more reliable and sounds as good or better!

What are system resolution limitations and why are they important?

System resolution limitations or ‘bottlenecks’ are critically important as they define the maximum performance attainable with a given set of equipment. Think of it this way: You could have the best pair of speakers and source equipment in the world, but if your amplifier can only support a certain level of performance, maybe it has

What are system resolution limitations and why are they important? Read More »

How do I choose a better amplifier?

Amplification is the heart of any system and to improve it, I suggest you focus on three main areas. These can be broadly grouped into: reducing integration, obtaining better-engineered/built equipment, and better bang-per-buck, meaning pre-owned, older equipment. Let’s examine each of these. Integration Integration refers to the level of stuffing of a box of electronics

How do I choose a better amplifier? Read More »

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