General Hi-Fi

Frequently asked questions about general hi-fi stuff including various types of equipment, technical concepts and advice for getting the best results.

I’ve read that I should replace any capacitors measuring 10% under spec – is this correct?

No, this is misinformation typically found in forums and amplified by people lacking the background to effectively filter it. Reality Check I need to preface this FAQ by noting that with all technical concepts, probably all concepts period, the real answers are nuanced. Understanding the nuance comes with education and experience, learning 101. In other

I’ve read that I should replace any capacitors measuring 10% under spec – is this correct? Read More »

What are system resolution limitations and why are they important?

System resolution limitations or ‘bottlenecks’ are critically important as they define the maximum performance attainable with a given set of equipment. Think of it this way: You could have the best pair of speakers and source equipment in the world, but if your amplifier can only support a certain level of performance, maybe it has

What are system resolution limitations and why are they important? Read More »

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