Service & Repair

Frequently asked questions about the service and repair of hi-fi electronics, vintage hi-fi gear, how and when repairs are viable, warranty etc.

Why do you have these FAQs?

The FAQs save everyone time, by addressing questions I’m most commonly asked. Honestly, there are questions I’ve probably been asked hundreds of times now over the last 10+ years. Answering commonly asked questions like these takes a chunk of time and, without a good alternative, I’d almost never get any work done! I write each

Why do you have these FAQs? Read More »

I’ve read that I should replace any capacitors measuring 10% under spec – is this correct?

No, this is misinformation typically found in forums and amplified by people lacking the background to effectively filter it. Reality Check I need to preface this FAQ by noting that with all technical concepts, probably all concepts period, the real answers are nuanced. Understanding the nuance comes with education and experience, learning 101. In other

I’ve read that I should replace any capacitors measuring 10% under spec – is this correct? Read More »

Why don’t you like working on equipment others have worked on?

Because in many cases the equipment will have been damaged or otherwise compromised, creating headaches for the next person. This is a shame but it’s really just a reflection of what many working in technical fields know well – that the best equipment is unmolested equipment, in original condition, ready for someone to work on

Why don’t you like working on equipment others have worked on? Read More »

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