Why are you so often fully booked?

I’m honoured to be entrusted with so much lovely hi-fi equipment and I apologise for any frustration being fully booked may cause.

I was only recently chatting with a customer about this and he commented that my being so busy was an endorsement of the way I do business. He’s right in the sense that I’ve specifically designed the business to deliver what many others can’t, but there’s a bit more to it.

Liquid. Audio. Different.

Liquid Audio is different, something you may have noticed. Our high customer engagement results from a unique approach, developed through long hours and a ton of hard work. I started this business in 2009, aiming to address issues I’d found with electronics repair and repairers, including a lack of care, knowledge and specialisation with the hi-fi equipment I love. The ‘she’ll be right’ approach so common in the repairer community remains a problem but will never be part of our business ethos.

I was green back in 2009, but I had a great mentor and slowly grew the business into what it is today, and over two million views here alone. My background as a science educator and musician, and being such a detail freak, gives me a unique way of working with electronics. Our focus on quality of work and meticulous attention to detail have earned us a great deal of respect and people know they can trust and rely on us.

Naturally, a careful, methodical approach means we inevitably work more slowly and this is unavoidable if we are to continue to deliver the quality we’ve become known for. Working conservatively, driven by my perfectionist’s obsession with detail drives most people nuts, except the owners of the equipment I work on.

I run Liquid Audio without fear or favour and this philosophy grounds me in all aspects of life. I’m not afraid to point out bad workmanship, the silliness of sight-unseen quotes, and folks choosing technicians based only on price. I aim to preserve the beauty and originality of the wonderful, classic hi-fi equipment we love and educate thew community about why that’s important.

Professionalism is an important aspect of my business. You won’t find me ranting at unhappy customers like some others in this space. Professionals don’t behave this way and you should expect the best from us, as I do of my customers.

Bottom Line

I’m not interested in being the fastest, cheapest, or most popular repairer. My only goals are to run the most trusted and respected business for discerning customers who appreciate this difference and to remain a source of truth and education about classic hi-fi equipment.

I understand that being fully booked creates issues and again, I apologise for any inconvenience. We try to help everyone but I acknowledge that this is, of course, impossible. I appreciate your business and hope you will use the booking status table on my contact page to assist you. With patience, hopefully, I can help you with your hi-fi equipment!

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