Mike, how do you feel about people seeking your advice but taking business elsewhere?

It happens and as long as they are OK with what it means down the track, I am OK with it.

Folks who’ve sought my advice and then used a corner-cutter repairer or bought something I’ve recommended elsewhere when they could have purchased it from me usually reach a point where they realise: “Geez, that Liquid Mike dude is the only one who can help me, I need to talk to him again!” At this point, they discover that this option is no longer available.

Mike, I bought a vintage Pioneer turntable you recommended, and bought the cartridge and headshell you recommended elsewhere. Can you tell me how to set it all up..?

No, but if you’d like to book your deck with us, I’d be glad to set everything up perfectly for you!


A lot of hard work has gone into building our trusted reputation and this half-million-word resource and because of it, we’ve had well over two million views here. People worldwide seek out and trust our advice. When you support independent, specialist small businesses like Liquid Audio, you’re supporting people doing the hard work to create unique resources like this one.

Online discounters ride on that wave of knowledge and interest, yet offer nothing other than products they buy in bulk and know nothing about. Corner-cutter copycat repairers steal ideas and then pretend they came up with them. Nothing original or good about any of that, unfortunately.

Mike I read your article about repairing xyz. I don’t want to bring my equipment to you but can you tell me what parts you used and where to get them..?

I have no interest in assisting someone who thinks asking this is reasonable.

Small = Better!

If you enjoy this website, if you’ve found inspiration here or if I’ve taught you something, you can say thanks by shouting me a drink using the donate button in the footer. Better still, grab some advice and support us by giving us your business and engaging us to work on some equipment for you.

By utilising small specialist businesses, you’ll be building a relationship with someone who rolls up their sleeves, contributes, educates, and helps, rather than just selling boxes and cashing in on other people’s hard work.

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