Welcome back everyone and my apologies for the break in writing!
I’ve been so under the pump that it’s difficult to find the time to write much at the moment. This will change, I promise. BUT… I’ve also been acquiring new hi-fi equipment, quite exciting, and that means selling existing equipment, less exciting, but necessary!
So, let’s take a look at the latest hi-fi equipment for sale in our store including three preamplifiers, a power amplifier, two CD players, and a bunch of other neat stuff. As always, local sales are preferred.
Let’s start with this stunning and immaculate Accuphase C-202 class-A preamplifier from my collection. Recently overhauled and serviced, this line-level preamplifier sounds absolutely superb and features fully balanced and symmetrical circuitry throughout. You can read more about the C-202 in this article I wrote and visit the store to find out more about it.
My advice for those interested is that you start with Accuphase and a piece like this and never look back. I have recently acquired a statement Accuphase preamp and so this lovely old girl must go. Affordable modern gear cannot hold a candle to equipment like this.

Next, we have my Cayin Phono-1 MM/MC tube phono preamp. This stunning, heavyweight piece is a beautiful thing and works perfectly in combination with the Accuphase C-202. If you love vinyl, this is a really lovely phono pre. With new, low-noise tubes and the original box.

If you need or want an integrated solution, the Perreaux SM2 class-A preamplifier has been a favourite of mine since my friend Jason (Speaker and Turntable Doctor) put me onto it years ago. This simple and exceptionally high-quality design uses tons of Wima film capacitors, FETs and a fully discrete, class-A design to get the absolute best from records and line-level sources.

How about this beautiful and legendary B&K ST-140 MOSFET power amplifier? I love this thing and really should keep it, but my spare amplifier is my own Quad 405-2 and I have no room for lovely gear like this to sit unused. I’ve repaired and overhauled this lovely MOSFET power amplifier and she sounds like all great amplifiers do – relaxed, revealing, smooth and unfatiguing.

Now to a couple of CD players, first this lovely Meridian G07 24-bit CD player, (thank you, David). This player was recently donated to me, I’ve repaired her and she now runs as well as the day she was made. A lovely-sounding player this one, with box, manuals, and remote.

Next, this very heavy and gorgeous-sounding Cayin CDT-17A CD player has been my main player for a couple of years now. With class-A tube output buffer, dual PCM1792 DACs and tons of Wimas and other goodies, she sounds as good as you might imagine she would.
I’ve just replaced the entire mech and laser, so she is ready for many more years of service. I also have a set of stunning West German NOS Siemens tubes that can be fitted at either the single-ended or balanced outputs, for your enhanced listening pleasure! She comes with the original box and remote.

There’s a ton more in the store folks including my new bargain corner where you can pick up pieces that I cannot be bothered fixing for parts or projects, cheap. Also, check out the one-owner hi-fi system with Technics amp, cassette deck, tuner and speakers.

As always, head over to the store for all the details on each piece and for the latest hi-fi equipment for sale. Tons more stuff to be added in due course and as time allows. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know.
Peace friends!
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Beautiful statement pieces of gear… I want them all but my wife would leave
Ha ha, this may also explain why I don’t have a wife..!