Hi folks, just a quick update and a note that I am unable to book any more equipment, Accuphase or otherwise, in the lead-up to Xmas.

My apologies to anyone waiting, I’m able to assist most customers in due course, but there will inevitably be some I cannot, given the number of you out there wanting to make bookings. My sincere thanks to all current and potential new customers for their patience.

Here is just a snapshot of some recent and upcoming work and don’t worry, I will be writing more articles before closing for Xmas! Remember, there are no miracles or magic (though I sometimes wish there were), just care and attention to small and often overlooked details. Every piece is unique and requires an approach that accounts for that.

Yamaha B-3
Breaking down this image, this is part of my custom equipment storage shelving. On the left, we have a classic Accuphase C-200 preamp and P-300 power amp belonging to a long-term customer. I’ve worked on two other pairs of these classic models this year. In the middle, we see a slightly tired-looking and incredibly heavy Accuphase P-400 power amplifier, with two P-266 power amplifiers above it. On the right, we have an Accuphase C-230 preamplifier. These four pieces belong to a new customer from Queensland and sat in a barn for years. All are here for overhaul, a large amount of work. Note the ultra-rare Yamaha B-3 VFET power amplifiers belonging to one of my awesome local customers. These two are now serviced and back in use, and they sound absolutely amazing!
Accuphase C-280V
I’ve just serviced yet another gorgeous Accuphase C-280V preamplifier (not this one!), one of three I worked on in 2024. This unit was acquired by one of my local customers after some advice from yours truly. Nice work Russ, you will love this thing!
Accuphase E-207
I serviced this lovely Accuphase E-207 integrated amplifier a few weeks ago, coincidentally owned by another of my Queensland customers, also acquired after a consult. This was delivered to Liquid Audio by motorcycle! I’ve also serviced, repaired and overhauled E-203s, E-301s, E-302s etc in 2024.
Accuphase Pro-5
I did significant work on this gorgeous Accuphase Pro-5 for the customer/collector who owns those beautiful Yamaha B-3 power amplifiers. He has great taste and this Pro-5 is a beast.
Accuphase DP-90
I’ve repaired and serviced a couple of Accuphase DP-90s and other model CD players this year. The DP-90 is without a doubt one of my all-time favourite pieces of hi-fi gear, with the mind-boggling, matching DC-91 DAC. This one was purchased by a customer after an advisory discussion but arrived broken. I repaired it for him.
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And let’s not forget the incredible Accuphase P-800 I serviced earlier in the year. I’ll make separate writeups for all these pieces, eventually and these are just some of the Accuphase equipment I worked on in 2024. My apologies for the pieces I’ve missed, but I need to keep this update brief.

Soon to arrive will be an Accuphase DP-77 SACD player, A-65 and A-60 class A power amplifiers. I seriously need a holiday, to Hawaii or the Maldives…

Accuphase A-65
This exact Accuphase A-65 power amplifier will be here in a week or so, along with an A-60. These class A models are similar to my Accuphase A-75 and will need maintenance. I located and suggested these amplifiers for this customer, based on his system, requirements, speakers etc, a service I offer via our consults.
Accuphase A-65
Accuphase A-60
And, like a miracle, here it is, next to the equally stunning A-60!
Accuphase DP-77
One of these lovely DP-77 SACD players will also be here for service soon. All three pieces have been purchased by one customer legend, after considerable advice/discussion, weighing up the designs, engineering, streaming/DAC requirements, etc.
Accuphase DP-77
It just arrived and is now serviced and set up for use by its lucky owner!

There are of course other makes and models of equipment awaiting my attention so again, thanks for your patience. You’ll see why I’ve had to cap bookings and carefully monitor my time in recent years. It can become stressful when equipment backs up and we want to avoid stress, for all involved!

More soon!

Accuphase A-60

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8 thoughts on “Accuphase Booking Overload!”

  1. Yes indeed
    I have more work for you too, but I am in no hurry
    Next year will do
    work hard and enoy your well desreved break

    1. Have a great break & a Merry Xmas.
      Next year would you be interested in servicing a Tandberg TR2075.

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