fully booked

Liquid Audio is Fully Booked!

Due to popular demand, Liquid Audio is again fully booked for hi-fi equipment service, repair and restoration. My apologies for any inconvenience.

It’s getting busier by the day here at Liquid Audio. This is fantastic but creates somewhat of a workflow problem. As a result, I’m temporarily holding new bookings until I clear some of the current customer backlog. Don’t worry, I’ll be accepting new bookings again soon.

Putting a temporary hold on new bookings gives me the time and space to work through some of the many jobs in the pipeline. This is especially important, given that my new storage facility is full. I genuinely appreciate your business and if you’d like to enquire about booking equipment in, feel free to get in touch. 

New articles are coming soon, keep an eye out for those!

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4 thoughts on “Liquid Audio is Fully Booked!”

  1. One of the most helpful guys i have ever spoken to about hifi, always has time to give very good advice, would totally recom. anyone who has trouble with there gear, or anyone who needs a rebuild/upgrade.

  2. GO cat go! MIke, even though you’ve never serviced any of my gear
    (til yet) as I’m long away in the USA, you have played a huge role in the
    assembly of the sound system I currently have the privilege of enjoying daily due to your many posts about the merits of certain pieces of musical gear. I currently use a Kenwood KD 650 with a Jelco 750D tonearm & various ADC, Audio Technica, Dynavector, Grado, & Nagaoka cartridges feeding into a Schiit Mani phono stage, a Parasound Halo P3 preamp, a very vintage Sanyo P55 amplifier into a 5 way kit speaker from DIY Soundgroup that features Eminence & Celestion pro drivers + JL Audio 13TW-5 auto subs & Fountek ribbon supertweeters fed through an also very vintage Audio Control Richter Scale sub crossover with a pro PA amplifer for the subs – a QSC RMX 1850hd.
    It hands down delivers the most musically involving experience of my life & I have heard several systems that cost much more but don’t have the same level of musical satisfaction. I can’t emphasize enough how invaluable Liquid Audio (along with several other passionate individuals on the internet) have been in guiding me in the assembly of this system.
    Mike, thank you so much man! You are making the entire of world of music more enjoyable for everyone who either partakes of your wisdom through your posts or has their gear serviced by you.

    1. Wow, Tim, thanks so much for being a dedicated long-term reader and for your very kind feedback, it’s my absolute pleasure to help. You have some amazing gear and I’m very pleased that I might have helped you bring some good components together to enjoy in that fantastic system. I’m not surprised it sounds fantastic, please keep me updated!

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