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Sony TA-F555ES Service Manual Gem!

Happy Easter everyone.

I’m repairing a Sony TA-F555ES integrated amplifier and the service manual gave me a really good laugh. As a muso (ex-muso these days, sadly) I was always looking for good band names and I reckon this one has a good, heavier ring to it. You’re welcome to use it, I have a secret list of gems, should I decide to pick up the sticks again!

Sony TA-F555ES
Perhaps Sony’s design engineers enjoyed a little trance and progressive music as they wrote the documentation, or even something stronger..?! This little gem appears throughout the TA-F555ES service manual.
Sony TA-F555ES
What a beauty, this Sony TA-F555ES integrated amplifier will be available for sale, once I fix the remaining, elusive, injury-incurring issue.

This lovely amplifier pierced my finger with a 10mm long, 1mm square PCB pin on Friday night, little b**tard!

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That pin went right up under the left-hand edge of my nail and was rather painful and inflamed in no time. Much better now, thankfully.

More sooner than you might think…

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2 thoughts on “Sony TA-F555ES Service Manual Gem!”

  1. Nice one Mike! What a shame they didn’t continue the theme onto the front of the unit: “AUDIO CURRENT TRANCEFER”.

    Happy Easter

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