Finally, the Kenwood L-07D I have been restoring is repaired and working perfectly.
Actually, this is the uber-rare Kenwood L-07DII. I completed a very thorough overhaul and restoration on the deck after it arrived not functioning correctly. The platter was over-speeding and there were other operational malfunctions.
I decided that it would be a great project to restore this beautiful piece of equipment. The deck had several issues, but was cosmetically perfect – a good subject for an overhaul and restoration.
I serviced the main bearing and after cleaning out the bearing well, used about 0.25mL of synthetic bearing oil in the clean assembly. After cleaning the chassis and tightening all nuts bolts and fasteners, I overhauled the arm and arm base mechanism. This involved stripping, cleaning and re-greasing the arm securing mechanism and lift gears.

The final stage of the service was to restore the electronic control unit which was where the operational problem was situated. This involved the replacement of electrolytic capacitors and other film caps with new, high-spec parts.
I then trouble-shot the circuit and found the issue to lie in three integrated circuits on the control/logic board. I replaced the ICs, cleaned all the connectors and disassembled and cleaned the control umbilical connector. I also cleaned the circuit boards and, as part of the reliability enhancement, I replaced trim-pots with high-spec Bourns parts to ensure trouble-free long-term performance.
The deck now works perfectly again and sounds superb, as one would expect of this highly regarded pinnacle of direct drive technology. The deck is dead quiet, with a vast sound stage, instruments and singers locked in space. The bass is epic – taut, clean and deep. Distortion is vanishingly low.
This is a gem of a deck, and if you get a chance to own one I would wholeheartedly recommend it.
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I came to kenwood late. somehow their products passed under my radar, when launched.
the l-07d is on my wish list, only its relatively large footprint – like most top DD decks of the era, makes me hesitate.
space is ata premium in my home.
also, as their are no spare parts available new. so, I think a future life, beyond 10 years, might be trouble-prone.
I notice units for sale, often do not have the boron-laminate headshell, which must have positively affected the total sound quality. is it a standard type fitting
Hi Al, yes Kenwood made some amazing gear, not the least of which is the L-07D. These are superb, beyond peer in many ways and very repairable as there is nothing particularly proprietary or rare in terms of electronics, so don’t let this put you off. Of greater concern is the structure of the deck. The chassis is fairly brittle and prone to damage if not handled correctly, but if you get one of these, you will never look back! Headshell is standard, making the original nice but unnecessary…
Hi Mike….I agree it is a superb deck and im looking at one ON ebay now which is not functioning im thinking it could be the same prob …the electronics in the control Unit. May I ask How long youve had yours and How much you bought it for?? I have a few SP 10 Mkii but can find An mkiii I heard this is just As good . Let you know if I pick UP the deck…will prob send you haha
Hi Gil, yes the control units are the issue with these decks and often need repair. I’ve had mine since about 2010 from memory, mine is the ultra-rare L-07DII, from memory I paid around $4000 AUD.
Hi Mike, I have one of these TT and the speed is giving problems. The tech says it’s the IC in the power supply, do you sell those parts?
Hi Jared, I don’t sell any service parts in a retail sense, but I assume you/your tech realises there are many different ICs in the control unit? Most are readily available, so not quite sure what they mean by that. Do you know which IC they are referring to? …
Thx Mike, I’ll check on that. Are you also able to restore the tonearm?
Hi Jared, that very much depends on what needs to be done and that’s hard to know without the whole deck in front of me, unfortunately. Where are you located?
Hi Mike, Am located in Singapore. Thx
Thanks, Jared, I don’t ever recommend shipping these as you probably know, so it’s sensible that you keep working locally.
Hi Mike, the chip is MSM5819.
Any advise how I can get it is much appreciated, thx! Jared
Thanks Jared, I have at least one of these in stock but I can’t say if/where you might be able to find one.
Hi Mike,
I have a Kenwood L-07D, and need some service!, where are you located and how can I contact you.
Would you Please call me at (818)648-0590, or may I have your ohone # to call you?
Hi Sean, Im in Perth, Western Australia so I suspect I may not be able to assist with this as kit loks like you are in the USA? Regards, Mike.
Hello Mike…Greetings from New Zealand. I have a L07D. The speed keeps steady for some time, then fluctuates. I think the control unit/power supply unit needs checking…capacitors etc may need replacement. If I leave it on for a few days the speed is maintained for some time, then drifts (the 33 rpm indicator keeps blinking). How much is it to have the power unit serviced ? Can I send it to you in Australia ?…kind ly advise…best regards…George
I have acquired a L-07D not long ago fully serviced by a tech in Netherland for its own collection but he decided to part away with it. I think he might regret it at some point.
Pictures do not reflect enough how solid this thing is built. It just gives me goosebumps by looking at it, imagine what it does when playing.
Well done and yes, they are indescribably amazing machines, making most modern stuff look absolutely toy-like by comparison.