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Vinyl News: Kenwood L-07D, KD-650!

Hi everyone, a quick vinyl-focussed article today to update you on some news, including purchases and equipment I’ve worked on recently. To anyone who has equipment with me or is waiting to book equipment in, thanks for your patience, as always. There’s just one of me doing all this and we dig pretty deeply here, […]

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Vinyl News: Kenwood L-07D, KD-650! Read More »

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Celebrating Two Million Views!

Just a quick post to recognise our modest two million views milestone today! A huge thanks to all who’ve helped make this happen. There are no views without content AND readers and no business without customers who appreciate what we do and why! Many thanks to all who’ve supported Liquid Audio and cherished classic audio

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Celebrating Two Million Views! Read More »


Thanks for One Million Views!

…Or should I say – thanks a million… Seriously, a HUGE thanks to all who’ve visited, read, watched, commented, enquired and trusted me with their amazing hi-fi equipment! It took nine years to achieve the fairly modest milestone of the first million views on this site, let’s hope the next million happens a little faster.

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Thanks for One Million Views! Read More »

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