How good is the Denon DL-103 MC cartridge?

Better than many have heard but not as good as many think!

For those looking for the TLDR: The Denon DL-103 MC cartridge is probably the best available for higher mass arms like my Fidelity Research FR-64S at the low $400 asking price. The DL-103 is one of my favourite budget cartridges and great value for the money, with the right tonearm.

That said, the DL-103 isn’t well-suited to many turntables and tonearms, nor is it anywhere near as good as the very best carts available when we remove the price restriction.

Keep in mind that many who write about cartridges and turntables are relatively inexperienced and late to the party. A Denon DL-103 may be the best cartridge some have heard but this is often because they have very limited experience with a wide range of cartridges. In the overall scheme of things, this is a budget MC cartridge.

Denon DL-103
The venerable Denon DL-103 moving coil cartridge. She’s a beaut, on the right deck.


The Denon DL-103 was designed for longer, heavier arms, bolted to a nice heavy headshell. That’s because the 103 is an old-school low-output, low-compliance cartridge with a conical stylus, and was designed when higher-mass arms were common.

Understanding cartridge physics is vital to understanding how cartridges interact with headshells and tonearms. Cartridge-tonearm compatibility comes down to simple math and becomes intuitive with experience and a good technical understanding of the mechanics/physics involved.

Whatever else you do, make sure whoever supplies and fits your cartridge can explain a) why the DL-103 needs a higher-mass setup and b) verify compatibility with your equipment. Anyone telling you that “this isn’t important” or that “the DL-103 will work on any arm” or is “the best cartridge available” should be avoided because that’s the same as saying 1 + 1 = 3.

Fidelity Research FR-64S
Luxman PD-350
This is my Fidelity Research FR-64S, sitting on my gorgeous Luxman PD-350 turntable. The Denon DL-103 works well with heavier arms like this. You’ll note that I am not using a Denon DL-103 though.


The DL-103 is a beautifully made and presented low-output moving coil cartridge that sounds great in the right rig. It’s a classic-sounding cartridge because it was designed in a classic era. Tonearm design philosophies have changed since then though.

We’ve had the era of super low-mass arms, to which a DL-103 should never be fitted. We are now in a medium-mass tonearm era and the DL-103 isn’t very well-suited to many of these, but can be used with medium-mass arms as long as the resonant frequency is known and the necessary mass adjustments are made.

How Good?

How good is the DL-103 in the right set-up? It’s a very good cartridge for the low asking price. The Denon DL-103 sounds balanced, clean and powerful, with no obvious issues anywhere. The DL-103 offers higher resolution than similarly priced MM carts when partnered with a suitable high-gain phono pre-amp (critically important).

Overall, the DL-103 is better in most ways than similarly priced MM carts, except perhaps tracking, but perspective is critically important. I’ve heard people say they’ve never heard better than the DL-103 but that’s only because they literally haven’t heard any of the much better cartridges available.

I’ve fitted dozens of 103s and hundreds of cartridges. The DL-103 is a solid performer but there are significantly better-performing cartridges available. I think everyone loves the idea that a $400 cartridge with an aluminium cantilever and conical diamond might be as good as cartridges costing thousands, but this is just whimsy. If the DL-103 was as my Ortofon MC-A90, MC Jubilee, Supex SDX-1100D, or even my Fidelity Research MC-202 or FR-1 Mk3, I’d only use Denon DL-103s!

img 4624
It looks like a DL-103, but this ain’t no DL-103, it’s my Supex SDX-1100D, better in every conceivable way than a Denon DL-103. It’s better than most other cartridges period, one of the best of all time. It cost as much as a car in the early ’80s. A medium-sized car…


There are some specced-up versions of the DL-103 available, like the DL-103R for example. The DL-103R is certainly a better-sounding option for most people, though having heard most of the variants available, I think the best bang-per-buck version is the Denon factory original.

Other manufacturers dress up DL-103s in fancy aluminium or wooden bodies and charge hundreds more for them. Does that sound like great value to you? You can take a basic cartridge and wrap it in a fancy metal box, and it’s still a basic cartridge in a fancy metal box, so be mindful of this.

Salespeople NEED to sell you things, like DL-103s and plenty much worse. Once the sale is complete, in most cases that’s it. For many owners, even if the set-up is sub-optimal, the result will often be better than the crappy sub-$100 MM cartridge most are stepping up from, even if it’s still way out.

Whatever variant you buy, make sure that your retailer explains that the DL-103 is a very low-output moving coil cartridge, and the implications of this. If you’ve not been told that it needs a top-notch high-gain phono preamp and/or a step-up transformer, how much these elements cost, or how critically important they are in extracting the most from a good MC cart, then I suggest finding a different retailer.

The Bottom Line

The DL-103 will never be the most resolving, airy or articulate cartridge, but it is honest, beautifully made, and it will smack around Ortofon 2M Reds, Audio Technica VM95Es and worn-out old-school magnets and make them look as bland and uninvolving as they really are.

A DL-103 will deliver a better-balanced and more resolved result than many sub-$1000 MM carts, and even some coils. A $1500 cartridge like an Ortofon Quintet Black S for example, comprehensively bests the DL-103. Even at $699, Audio Technica’s AT-OC9XEN is better in most setups.

As good as the DL-103 is for the money, it’s a stepping stone for anyone seriously invested in vinyl playback and in advancing their playback performance. But, on the right turntable/tonearm and used with a quality MC phono preamp, nothing else retailing for $400 will touch a DL-103.

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