
Opera Consonance Turntable Service & Set-up

Whilst I perform servicing and repairs on all sorts of classic turntables, I can also service and optimise your new deck. For example I recently finished a complete setup of an Opera Consonance LP 6.1 for a client.

This was a new deck, but it had not been set up correctly and the unipivot arm was proving to be a nightmare for my client to set up, as they can be. I worked on this deck and inserted the correct amount of silicone damping oil, optimised the cartiridge alignment and arm “trim”, as well as cleaning up the overflowed platter bearing and correcting the arm height.

The result of this fairly intricate work was the same as it always is – the diamond tracked better, the sound was clean, with less distortion and the arm played records. This should not be underestimated – getting a wobbly unipivot to actually work properly takes skill and patience and I aim to get the job done perfectly. My goal is for clients to be able to bring their decks to me and leave with a set-up that could not be improved upon for the given equipment.

Please contact me for assistance with your deck.

Opera Consonance
Opera Consonance
Opera Consonance
Opera Consonance

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