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Legendary Sony CDP-X7ESD CD Player For Sale!

Well, friends, the time has come again for me to cull some more of my favourite pieces from my collection. This time it’s my reference CD player for the last few years, my much-loved and top-of-the-line Sony CDP-X7ESD CD player. Many of you will know how much I love these players. Sony crafted these during […]

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Legendary Sony CDP-X7ESD CD Player For Sale! Read More »

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Marantz CD-52 “Too Old, Can’t Be Fixed, Throw Away” CD Player Repair!

Just a quick and hopefully slightly amusing post today folks, for a laugh as much as anything else. It has a more serious motivation though and that’s to make the point that so much older hi-fi gear is so very repairable. I hope this resonates with readers and reinforces the point that I don’t only

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Marantz CD-52 “Too Old, Can’t Be Fixed, Throw Away” CD Player Repair! Read More »


Beautiful TEAC VRDS-25 CD Player Repair & Service

I love high-end CD players and what better player to continue with than this gorgeous TEAC VRDS-25?! Welcome back, everyone! I always try to bring you interesting equipment and this time I thought we’d look at another classic, high-end CD player repair and service. CD players are steaming back into vogue as people are rediscovering

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Beautiful TEAC VRDS-25 CD Player Repair & Service Read More »

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Pre-Xmas Vintage Hi-Fi New Arrivals!

We have a ton of newly listed pre-Xmas vintage hi-fi equipment available in our store, from budget gear all the way to rare, collectible pieces. Grab a present for yourself or someone else! Definitely keep an eye on our revamped store and this post because I’ll be adding more equipment over the next few days.

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Pre-Xmas Vintage Hi-Fi New Arrivals! Read More »


Kenwood L-1000 Series – Exceptional Audio Components

I was recently asked by a customer to service and repair two of his gorgeous Kenwood L-1000 series components. In the lab this time were an L-1000T tuner and matching L-1000D compact disc player. All I can is wow! This gear is seriously well put-together and just beautifully engineered. In what was a great result,

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Kenwood L-1000 Series – Exceptional Audio Components Read More »

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