Can I visit outside your business hours?

I love my customers but don’t take it the wrong way when I say that I generally don’t want to see them outside of my business hours!

I occasionally encounter people who assume/hope/insist I am available 24/7, rather than the regular business hours listed on my site. I don’t know why, nobody appreciates being bothered by work outside their working hours or being asked to come back to work for example!

I’ve had people arrive here unannounced, early on a Sunday morning and late at night. I get calls and messages at all hours from people I don’t know, including from folks overseas. I’ve even had cases where I’ve specifically instructed someone not to arrive before I open only to have them do it anyway.

I don’t know of anyone available 24/7, except those guys who put out oil well fires. Boundaries are important and I very much appreciate those who respect ours. For the record, I am only available during my business hours, advertised on the home and contact pages, in my Google business profile, and here:

Owner:Mike Fitzpatrick
BSc(Hons) GDipEd(Sc) UWA
Location:Carine, Western Australia
Specialty:Service, repair & restoration of classic hi-fi stereo equipment
Focus:Integrated/pre/power amplifiers, turntables, CD players/DACs, tuners, cassette decks
Open:Tuesday – Friday, 10 am – 5 pm
Saturday, 10 am – 1 pm, Perth time
Bookings:By appointment
Phone:(+61) 0439 690 436
(for voice calls, no SMS messages please!)

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