Can you sell me a belt for my turntable?

Only if it comes to us for maintenance, we don’t offer retail sales on parts alone.

To clarify, we don’t operate a retail shopfront, very much by design. Liquid Audio is a technical services business and we generally only offer parts sales when they form part of maintenance work on customer equipment. Think of it this way: it’s like asking a dentist to sell you tooth-filling supplies. They have the supplies but selling them higgledy-piggledy to the general public costs money for businesses not set up to do it at scale.

This is, of course, in keeping with our widely respected documentation and encouragement of often decades overdue maintenance, set-up and adjustment of things like turntables, some of which were never set up correctly in the first place.

I’m also not interested in dealing with parts sales or the costly and inevitable “I don’t know how to install it”, “I chose the wrong part” and “My XYZ still isn’t running right” follow-up conversations.

I don’t understand why you won’t sell me a belt. Are you just trying to be difficult..?


If you need a belt, do you know its precise dimensions in terms of length, width and thickness? Cartridges are rarely installed correctly because most lack the tools and/or technical understanding to correctly make the important adjustments. I will gladly supply and fit any of the thousands of parts we have in stock when you book your equipment for work, so if you’d like assistance, get in touch via our contact form.

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