Accuphase E-303

Incredible $10 Accuphase E-303 Tip Find..?

UPDATED: October 2024

I cannot believe this story!

One of my customers reached out the other day to boast about this incredible find. Chris is a customer I’ve helped a lot, guiding him from cheap plastic hi-fi gear to ownership of Accuphase amplifiers like an E-205 I serviced recently, and this E-303, in a matter of months.

It’s been a steep learning curve, but, like many others I’ve helped, Chris has been rewarded with a transformation in his musical enjoyment which is awesome. That’s the power of knowledge and our advisory service and it’s something I genuinely enjoy doing.

Anyway, Chris contacted me saying he needed to show me what he’d just found. He came to my workshop with this pristine, and I mean perfect, almost unused Accuphase E-303, one of my favourite integrated amplifiers and a model we’d discussed.

Chris told me he paid just $10 to the ‘tip guy’ selling it. Nuts! Naturally, I verified the facts: “Did you really pay $10 for this amplifier?” “Yes, I swear I paid $10 for this amplifier,” etc. I followed up with a phone call after writing the story to confirm I had the details right and Chris told me I did. He has not contacted me to correct any errors…

Update, October 2024: The Truth?

Unfortunately, all was not what it seemed with this story, despite my best attempts to verify the fact directly with my customer, someone I’ve helped and worked with. I learned this from third parties, after writing the article. Thank you to those individuals.

There are two ways to deal with something like this: a) pretend it never happened, or b) address it and let the community know your position. There is no way I would allow a story like this to tarnish the trust people have for Liquid Audio and so, for reasons of transparency it remains, with these critical amendments:

  • It seems I was not told the truth about who found this amplifier or what it cost.
  • I’ve learned that it went elsewhere for work after I saw it, despite me being directly responsible for this individual even knowing about Accuphase equipment.
  • Someone else contacted me claiming he found and owns the amplifier rather than the customer who brought it to me. A hoaxer or someone from the Hall of Shame like the tripper from case #16? Or perhaps two people independently found $10 E-303s at their local tips at the same time… 🙂

That I didn’t know the truth and others were told a different story is appalling and shame on all involved. That the amplifier was then taken elsewhere after all I’ve done for this person is worse.

The bigger question of course is why the dishonesty? Why waste people’s time, energy and goodwill? Events like this burn invaluable bridges. The person/s involved in this will need assistance that only I can offer at some point and will not be available. It’s a disappointing end to what was a great story. I truly hope it was worth it…

Accuphase E-303 Details

This one falls into my special New Gold Dream category of equipment finds. Naturally, I’ll be servicing this amplifier in the coming months and letting you know more about it then. It shows what’s possible when you are in the right place, at the right time, and armed with the right knowledge.

That’s right: ‘Accuphase E-303’, ‘rubbish tip’ and ‘$10’, words you rarely if ever find used together, yet here we are, at the great intersection of gold that brought my customer Chris this big upgrade over his Accuphase E-202 and E-205 integrated amplifiers.

Let’s look at a few images to see what he got here:

Accuphase E-303
WTF?! I swear this thing is in the best condition of any of the Accuphase E-303s I’ve seen or worked on. Truly a New Gold Dream.

Regulars will know how highly I rate the Accuphase E-303. In terms of integrated amplifiers, there aren’t too many better choices than this and as a result, many of my customers have grabbed one over the years. That said, at this age (40 years) they can certainly start to show signs of age and need some overhaul work. Not this one though, at least nothing obvious yet!

Accuphase E-303
Good lord! Regulars will also know I am a fan of equipment in good condition. This E-303 certainly fits that description.
Accuphase E-303
Accuphase E-303
I didn’t even clean this baby, yet she is super clean from all angles. Can someone explain how this became 40 years old, then travelled in a trailer to the tip where it sat for days before being purchased for $10, without getting a scratch on it???!
Accuphase E-303
It’s like the amplifier was never used! I’ve never seen one this clean inside. All-original, never been messed with, thank goodness.
Accuphase E-303
All original, no Leylon or Suntan crapacitors, missing screws, scratches, Jaycar chemical residue or Chinese eBay transistors.
Accuphase E-303
Yeah, nah, I don’t know. I truly don’t.
Accuphase E-303
Chris and I laughed about this $10 masterpiece find. Why is this sh*t never at the tip when I’m there?!
Accuphase E-303
Accuphase E-303
I think we can all agree Chris has done well!

The moral of this story? Get up out of the chair and head down to your local tip shop. Chris found this pristine Accuphase E-303 for $10. Can you imagine what else might be waiting for a new home?


And the REAL moral of this story, given the developments noted? I’ve nothing particularly insightful to add. I could pull the article, but that lets those involved off the hook and completes the 100% waste of my time that I don’t want this exercise to become.

Most folks wouldn’t dream of doing something like this and that’s ultimately what matters to me and I’m sure to you too. I’ll continue to trust people until proven wrong. This is just a blip on the radar, we take note and move on. I can’t pretend to understand this one or those involved, but if I learn any additional details about what happened here and why, I’ll let you know!

Thanks for visiting and my apologies that this positive story became something rather different 🙂

[Mike, October edit]

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12 thoughts on “Incredible $10 Accuphase E-303 Tip Find..?”



    1. Good morning Marcin and thank you for your kind words, I’m very pleased that you are enjoying the articles and I know there are many vintage audio fans in Poland! The CD-84 is a wonderful player!

  2. I guess one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. That being said I’m gobsmacked by this bargain. I’ve heard of others finding audiophile turntables and speakers, but this takes the case. I better get there before the rain comes.

  3. Rob in Melbourne

    Extraordinary. Just crazy. Clearly WA has a better class of rubbish than eastern Australia…. Was this from the rubbish shop in Peppermint Grove or where the Rineharts and Forrests dump their trash?

  4. I fear this is what might happen to all of our possessions.

    I need to add a valuation to all things we own in case everything is discarded.


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