
Krell KSA-200S Class-A Amplifier Repair and Restoration

I am about to embark on a Krell KSA-200S Class-A Amplifier Repair and Restoration, in this case for a very good friend of mine.   

As many of you will know, the Krell KSA-200S is a beast of an amplifier, up there with the very best products Krell ever made. It is almost unliftable by one person, being hewn from solid slabs of steel and aluminium. Consider for a moment that this nominally 200 watts per channel amplifier contains a 2,000VA mains transformer and weighs the best part of 50kg! You get a sense of the term ‘overbuilt’ and the way that Krell approached the engineering of their amplifiers in the 80s and 90s when you look at and try to move one of these monsters.

If you would like to read a little more, take a look at the excellent Stereophile article written on the beast, back in the day. A few specs might be helpful:

Description: solid-state stereo power amplifier with “Sustained Plateau” output-stage biasing. Power output: 200Wpc into 8 ohms, 400Wpc into 4 ohms, 800Wpc into 2 ohms, 1600Wpc into 1 ohm, one channel driven (all power outputs equivalent to 23dBW). Damping factor: 80. THD: 0.1% at 1kHz, 0.2–0.5% at 20kHz, at full power.
Dimensions: 19″ W by 8.5″ H by 21″ D.
Price: $7500 (1994); no longer available (2007). Warranty: 5 years parts and labour, limited transferable.
Manufacturer: Krell Industries, 45 Connair Drive, Orange, CT 06477.

More on this KSA-200S project as it happens! For now though, some images to whet the appetite…

IMG 2784
IMG 2785
IMG 2786

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9 thoughts on “Krell KSA-200S Class-A Amplifier Repair and Restoration”

    1. Hi Tony, it’s usually straightforward on Krell amps, just a trimmer for servo adjustment of each channel. I would need a service manual or actual amp in front of me though to provide detail on MDA300. If unsure or you don’t have precision test gear, definitely do not adjust anything!

  1. Hi Mike,
    I’m also about to start the same exercise.. have you managed to find a service manual for this amp?

    1. Hi Eugene, I do have it but am not permitted to release it. Try contacting Krell and see what they say about the availability of the SM. I think they may give you a copy. Cheers, Mike

    1. Yes it did, several years ago and the amplifier is still running beautifully. Like so many of the bigger pieces I work on, finding time to write them up on top of running this fulltime business is tricky. I’ll get to this one this year hopefully, along with dozens of other statement pieces and many hundreds of others, over time!

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