Turntables & Vinyl

Frequently asked questions about turntables and vinyl, belt-drive vs direct-drive, cartridges, headshells, alignment and more.

Why are there so many new belt-drive turntables?

A smart question to ask, belt-drive turntables are much cheaper to make. Even small manufacturers can tool up to make a basic belt-drive turntable. You could just about make your own at home and that’s how many small manufacturers start out. Direct-drive turntable manufacture is quite different though. It requires considerably more engineering and capital […]

Why are there so many new belt-drive turntables? Read More »

Are there any decent, affordable new turntables?

Yes, though this answer somewhat depends on what you consider decent and affordable! Those looking for new high-performance machines for under $1,000 will find very little of interest. High-performance turntabling can’t be done for $1K new, spend a little more though and things start to improve. If you broaden your horizons to include pre-owned equipment,

Are there any decent, affordable new turntables? Read More »

How long does a stylus last?

Anywhere from 200 to 2000 hours, depending on the cartridge design and stylus profile. I’ve written about this elsewhere, but the increased contact area of line contact gems leads to lower contact pressure, less friction, lower wear and better sound. The best line-contact types can last 2000 hours or more, but line-contact styli are more

How long does a stylus last? Read More »

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