Can you contact me when you are accepting new bookings?

I promise I would if there were an easy way to manage this, for the many who ask.

If you think about it though, there are good reasons why few owner-operator technical businesses can do this. The simple explanation is this: hundreds if not thousands of you and just one of me. I don’t even have a secretary!

With sometimes hundreds of enquiries a month, there’s no easy way to keep track of and manage who wants to book what, and when. There are also many variables associated with complex technical work that affect how long each job takes to complete. It’s neither practical nor sensible for me to try to manage what would quickly become a very complex and unwieldy waitlist, unfortunately. 

Imagine contacting hundreds of people, weeks or months later. How many take their equipment somewhere else, move, sell it, etc? Imagine the time and energy needed just on admin! Contrast that with customers spending just a minute or two checking our booking status table. It’s a far more efficient and sensible way to handle this.

Using the booking status table on the contact page and staying in touch are the best ways to ensure we look at your equipment. Send an enquiry even if we’re full, it puts us in contact and gets the ball rolling. There will of course be some we cannot assist and to those folks, I apologise in advance.

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