Krell has produced some stunning gear over the years and this Krell PAM-7 is a great example. Come with me as I repair and overhaul this lovely old girl.

The Krell PAM-7 preamplifier dates back to earliest days of Krell, but all the trademark features are present: thick boards, premium parts, class-A operation, separate power supply and the unique styling the company used back in the day.

Krell PAM-7

I particularly like the industrial grey brushed aluminium finish on the Krell PAM-7 and all Krell gear from this era. Nothing else looks like older Krell gear and certainly, the mechanical and electronic build quality are extraordinary, even now.

Sonically, this unit gives nothing away next to the most expensive modern preamps. There are no new circuits and parts in 2019 that these guys didn’t understand and have access to in the ’80s.

This unit has all the best features: premium switches and pots, zero wiring, FETs, lots of local capacitance, discrete & configurable phono preamp, multiple regulated power supplies, class-A, all discrete circuitry, and on it goes.

Krell still has the owner’s manual available and the excellent staff in the Krell service centre are always kind enough to assist me with what data they have available – thanks, Patrick!


This Krell PAM-7 exhibited several issues and she had never been in for service until she came to me. Signals from the PAM-7 showed distortion and gain was low in one channel. Strange noises emanated from the phono preamp and it turned out that one of the 15V rails was sitting down at around 5V.

A couple of the onboard (as opposed to external) power supply capacitors looked suspicious and didn’t measure well. Obviously, the unit needed repair and at least some basic maintenance. Despite the impeccable service life and fantastic performance of this wonderful preamp, it took some convincing her owner that this was a worthwhile repair. He really didn’t want to spend any money on it.

Fault Finding

The first steps were to assess the PAM-7 and diagnose what was wrong. I traced the noises, distortion and low gain to a bad Zener diode voltage reference which sets one of the power supply rails. This failed diode caused that rail to fail, and the now asymmetrical rails caused the sonic problems in the form of distortion the owner and I heard.

Krell PAM-7
Very cool looking Krell gear, time to get inside…
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Covers and panels stored for later detailing.
Krell PAM-7
Here’s the unit, ready for some diagnostics. Once that’s done, the board can come out.
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I noted what looked to be either corrosion, leaking electrolyte or both from this filter capacitor. It could also have been glue, but a couple of these caps didn’t measure well, so I decided to replace them.
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A detail shot of one set of internal configuration switches. There are phono and line-level options in the PAM-7.
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And here’s the external power supply. Very Krell, two transformers, generous filters caps of a different type to those used inside the pre and regulation. Everything here tested well, and the owner’s small budget meant I left this alone, apart from cleaning up a messy mains cable installation. I wanted to rebuild it, maybe next time…
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View of the main board after repairing the Zener diode, just to the right of the blue filter caps. Nothing much to see, so I didn’t get a close-up.
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After testing these original parts I ordered some Nichicon KG Gold Tune replacements. These are extraordinary caps, every time I use them I hear an improvement.
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Out with the old…(see the diodes..?)
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Krell PAM-7
And in with the new…
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Awesome audio-grade capacitors from a legendary Japanese manufacturer – I highly recommend them.
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Power supply restored, note the additional new Panasonic FM capacitors in this shot.


Attending to all the little details that make something really look and feel like it’s had proper service is part of the value add that I provide for my customers. In this case, that meant a full clean of all panels, fascia, knobs, cleaning and treatment of connectors and lubrication of all switches and controls.

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This is such a lovely piece but has years of patina added to it. Time for a clean.
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Is there another logo with this attention to detail..? Those are actual screws holding the brass, engraved Krell emblem in place.
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The serviced Spectrol volume pot. Let’s talk for a moment about volume potentiometers. There’s lots of chatter about ALPS Blue Velvet and similar, good consumer-grade potentiometers, but toys compared to this one. Few have heard of Spectrol and you wouldn’t unless you own and work on serious test and measurement gear as I do. This is a REAL volume potentiometer,  used in military, aerospace and laboratory gear. Extraordinarily expensive, here’s a PDF datasheet for those potentiometer aficionados…
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Overhauled board back in the chassis now and with all switches and controls cleaned and serviced. Astute readers will note that I left the original Roederstein capacitors on the left-hand side of the board in place. Don’t be concerned, all measured like new. They are exceptional capacitors and contribute to the sound of these preamps. Normally I would replace these but I was working to a tight budget here, this customer wanted to spend the minimum possible to get the preamp back up and running.
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You’ve gotta have clean knobs…
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A good sign they needed cleaning…
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Much better, all these details help when combined. Note Krell’s attention to detail – all the brushing is perfect and runs in-line with the pointer.


This repair and overhaul were critically important for this PAM-7. Without them, I suspect she might have been tossed out, or taken to a butcher.

Folks occasionally struggle with the idea that you need to periodically spend some money to have an expert look at beautiful equipment, like this. It’s fair to say the owner fell into this category. It’s a shame because I suspect he failed to appreciate the beauty and performance of a piece like this, or that it is SO worth spending a little one a Krell PAM-7 to bring it back to full performance.

This isn’t like taking a digital watch to a shopping mall store to get a new battery. It’s much more like taking a Rolex to a good jeweller for service, surely worth doing properly! Remember, even Krell doesn’t make anything like this anymore.

Krell PAM-7
Perhaps about to be sealed for the next 30 years..?!

I think the results speak for themselves. The Krell PAM-7 now sounds better than ever. Her sonic behaviour is perfect and she sounds sublime, especially via that stunning, adjustable phono preamp. If only all hi-fi equipment was this beautifully constructed.

When I explained to her owner that to replace the PAM-7 with a modern ‘equivalent’ with similar sound quality and likely cheaper build one would need to spend well over $5000 AUD, I think it began to sink in.

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For example, you could buy a lovely Bryston BP6 for $5500, but that’s not really in the PAM-7’s league. How about a Musical Fidelity M8 for $6999 – do you imagine that this might sound better? Looking at the M8’s internals, I can guarantee it won’t.

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So what can we learn from all this? Hopefully, you can see that humans could build this stuff perfectly, decades ago. Newer doesn’t mean better and in fact, it often means the opposite. Most of all, I hope it shows that spending just a few hundred dollars to have your beautiful old equipment professionally serviced, is some of the most sensible money you can spend.

If you would like me to look at your lovely vintage Krell equipment, you need only get in touch!

Krell PAM-7 Preamplifier

$1500 - $3000 AUD

Build Quality




Sound Quality







  • Stunning Krell build quality
  • Gorgeous sonics
  • Excellent servicability
  • Superb value
  • Outboard power supply


  • No balanced inputs

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17 thoughts on “Beautiful Krell PAM-7 Preamplifier Repair & Review”

  1. How did you service the Spectrol VC? I have one in my KBL and was thinking of replacing it with a Penny & Giles that was removed from a KRC that was updated to version HR.

    1. Hi Robert, thanks for your query. I use various methods for servicing potentiometers, depending on the type, symptoms etc. I won’t go into the technical details here, but if you have one of these Spectrol potentiometers in your KBL and the pot is still performing well, I suggest leaving it. Penny & Giles make great parts too, but there’s lots of variation across manufacturer product ranges and this particular Spectrol series is superb. Retaining the factory-installed parts also helps maintain originality and value. There are of course various ways to improve the performance of this series of Krell equipment but I could write a long article on that. Overall, these are beautifully made, lovely sounding pieces of gear. Enjoy your KBL!

      1. Thanks for the timely reply Mike. I recently sent my KBL pre back to Krell as requested by my friend Patrick (who you know too) for a check-up and power supply repair. I could have repaired the PS myself but Patrick (who has since retired) wanted to check it out personally to make sure the pre itself was not in need of repair. I’ve known Patrick for well over 20 years and he has helped me out many times over the course of my relationship with Krell gear and other matters so I trust his judgement. Patrick said the Spectrol was not performing to spec. Specifically it doesn’t shut the music off completely when turned down all the way. He said it was not a big deal and he would live with it as the Spectrol couldn’t be repaired. But a P&G would be a good replacement if I was so inclined. I have a P&G that Patrick sent me 21 years ago which was removed from a KRC that was upgraded to an HR. So that’s the story. Since you regard the Spectrol so highly, I will probably leave it in place. And also since you said you serviced the one in the PAM, I thought I might be able to do likewise. I just thought the P&G might be a better sounding model.

        Take Care and thanks Mike.


        1. Hi Robert, thanks for sharing this great story! Yes, Patrick is a Krell legend, I didn’t realise he had retired. This is potentially not great news for Krell, I’ll send him an email. It’s obviously tricky for me to comment without testing it, but if there is a channel imbalance as Patrick found and it bothers you, then change the pot by all means. In terms of manufacturers, I regard them both very highly. If we are comparing parts, the series of part is most important. I know what series the Spectrol part belongs to, but not your particular Penny & Giles, so I can’t comment about its performance and how it compares to the factory Spectrol part until I know that detail. Servicing the Spectrol part is an option, but failure to shut one channel off completely sounds more like an internal misalignment of the resistive elements. This can sometimes be corrected during service, by adjusting the alignment of the potentiometer elements within pots like the Spectrol 100 series, but this also gets technical and fiddly. It might be easiest to change the pot. You can always revert to the Spectrol if you are not happy. Let me know how you go.

    1. Just letting you know I haven’t received an email Robert. I’m actually on a break until January 14 so feel free to get in touch after that if you like. Mike

      1. Thanks again Mike. I ascertained that pertinent information from perusing your illustrious website. I suppose you will receive the email when you return from your much deserved vacation. In the meantime Patrick reached out to the original designer of the KBL and supplied me with some pertinent info. But a second opinion is always welcome and desired from such a knowledgeable source.


  2. Thanks Mike. I have PAM5 I’ve left it on for years haven’t played much. Is it better to leave it on, turn it off and on from time to time, or keep it off if not using for long periods of time.

    What’s the best way to turn it off and on, if I need to?

    Thanks Mike.

    Krell pams are the best, built with quality and love with pristine fidelity.


    1. Hi Scott, I would always turn an amp or preamp off when it’s not in use and not needed for more than a few hours. It’s better for the environment and the reduced ‘on-time’ will prolong the life of the capacitors, in most cases. For gear without a power switch, just flick the switch on the wall socket, power board or regen as I do here @ Liquid Audio.

  3. Hello, could you please hiver more détails regarding the nichicon kg gold?
    The référence , voltage….?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Didier, thanks for your question. I generally don’t provide all the technical details in these articles, the idea is to showcase the work I do and encourage most people to take equipment to an expert for work. Having said that, if you have the unit apart, the component values will be readily apparent but I suggest only attempting this work if you have experience and access to quality soldering equipment, parts etc.

  4. Hello, I read this article with interest. My preamp uses an almost-identical Spectrol volume control, which is presently having mechanical and electrical issues. I am qualified to service it but I do nott have experience specific to this particular make / model of control and I am wondering if you would be kind enough to comment on Spectrol 100 servicing / repair and / or point me towards relevant online sources. I did search online but I was not able to find anything of interest. The Spectrol is a beautiful, well-made control which I would rather restore than replace, and I would be very appreciative of any advice you might provide prior to disassembling it and starting work on it. Feel free to email me directly. Thank you in advance!

    1. Hi Frederic, thank you for your questions and glad you enjoyed the article! Details are well beyond the scope of a reply here or email, nor do I generally share them anyway, but careful disassembly, cleaning and lubrication with the methods/tools you are likely familiar with should yield positive results. I do not know of any online resources on this topic but I am sure others have also delved into these beautiful controls and may have photos etc. These pots are extremely reliable, so failure is rare. Just be sure that the control really is problematic before even thinking about going inside.

  5. Hi Mike, thank you for your reply.

    The pot does have a problem. The shaft can be pushed in and out a few mm, and when the shaft is pushed in (towards the inside of the preamp, if you will), the pot no longer “catches” the min and max stops. In other words, it is able to rotate continuously in either direction. I can’t imagine that behavior is as designed, and it suggests a broken or missing thrust stop.

    When the shaft is pulled out, the pot behaves normally in the mechanical sense (stops at the stops), and measures relatively consistently electrically.

    As far as previous work and photos, I googled it pretty extensively and these Spectrols appear to be quite rare by now. I was not able to find a period-correct datasheet either, and the closest I found to someone having actually fixed one was your excellent article 🙂

    I feel it’s always best to gather as much knowledge in advance as possible, but it won’t be the first time I wing it I’m afraid. Wish me luck!

    1. Hi Frederic, I agree, there should be little to no end-float so it seems something in there is broken. I suggest you do exactly as planned and carefully disassemble the pot to see what has broken and if it can be repaired. My feeling is that it can be and that you will succeed! Good luck, but I suspect you will be OK!

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