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Gorgeous Accuphase P-360 Power Amplifier Overhaul

Oh yes, and this one is also for sale! Welcome once again folks to the fourth article in as many days. This time we’re looking at the overhaul of my gorgeous Accuphase P-360 power amplifier and what must be my last post in this seven-day posting epic. Writing these articles is involved and time-consuming but […]

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Gorgeous Accuphase P-360 Power Amplifier Overhaul Read More »

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Stay Tuned!

Despite a healthy dose of writer’s block, I have lots of great service, repair and restoration articles coming. Stay tuned for the stories below and many, MANY more! It’s worth mentioning how much I appreciate my customers, regular visitors and readers. What you see below is a tiny fraction of this year’s work alone, and

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Stay Tuned! Read More »

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