What equipment does Liquid Audio care for?

We service, repair and restore hi-fi stereo equipment, with a focus on turntables and amplifiers.

Equipment We Work On

Discrete hi-fi stereo equipment ONLY including pre, power, phono and integrated amplifiers, receivers, turntables, CD players, DACs, cassette decks and tuners. We care for all major brands and equipment produced from 1968 onwards.

Brands we commonly see include Accuphase, Akai, Kenwood, Luxman, NAD, Pioneer, Sansui, Rotel, Sony, TEAC, Technics, Quad and Yamaha. We specialise in amplifiers, preamplifiers, turntables, CD players, DACs, cassette decks and tuners.

Equipment We Don’t Work On

AV, PA, DJ, home cinema equipment, AVRs, BluRay/DVD/Laser Disc players, VHS, portable, computer or car audio gear, soundbars, streamers, Crosleys, micro/mini/midi/Bluetooth systems, 3-in-1s/radiograms/stereograms, 4-track, reel-to-reel, headphones/subwoofers/speakers, cheap Chinese tube gear or equipment manufactured prior to 1968.

We carry out major overhaul and restoration work, as well as offer on-site work, consults and inspections. Check out the Services page for more.

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