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Liquid Audio Hits 200,000 Views!

Just a very quick update to say WOW and thank you. A couple of days ago my website accrued its 200,000th page view!

It seems like only yesterday that I wrote about the Liquid Audio website hitting 100K views. I never really imagined that my site would generate so much interest, but I’m thrilled that it has. I have lots more articles either partly written or planned, so stay tuned!

A massive thank you to all my regular readers and visitors, to everyone who’s visited and liked my Facebook page and for taking the time to share and leave comments. A website and business are nothing without visitors and customers and mine are up there with the best!

Of great interest to me in my large number of international visitors. I regularly receive dozens of hits a day from readers in the USA, Sweden, Denmark, UK, Canada, Norway, Germany, and of course our good friends in NZ!

If you’d like to help me out, there’s a few things you can do. Please feel free to leave a 5 star review on my Facebook page, like and share all the articles you’ve enjoyed using the share buttons, send me some positive feedback or suggestions, or leave comments under posts of interest.

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4 thoughts on “Liquid Audio Hits 200,000 Views!”

  1. Great work, Fitz!! An awesome site that provides for some fascinating reading. It’s making me hanker for a new turntable!!

    1. Thanks Mulv, appreciate the kind words and sorry it took so long to reply, your comment went into spam and I only just saw it! I had a really good look at your photography site too, amazing stuff. I’ve always loved photography and your stuff really blew me away.

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