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New Hi-Fi Repair Hall of Shame Dedicated to Bad Repairs

I’ve just created my new Hall of Shame, dedicated to bad repairs. My aim is to raise awareness about the diabolical workmanship of certain ‘repairers’ who destroy hi-fi gear.

Unlike the rest of my site, the Hall of Shame has one focus – to expose bad repairs and bad repairers. I’m especially interested in saving good people from tragedies like the ones you’ll see featured on this page. I don’t want you taking your equipment to someone who’s going to ruin it.

Liquid Audio, the Hi-Fi Repair Hall of Shame and a couple of colleagues stand proudly behind the alternative – fixing hi-fi equipment with care, skill and attention to detail. You don’t have to take your hi-fi gear to someone who’s likely going to ruin it when you have at least two good repairers here in Perth.

I’ll be slowly adding to the case files, building the page with the worst examples of bad repairs. Please visit my new Hall of Shame for all the gory details, and check regularly for updates!

bad repairs
Oh boy, make sure you visit the Hall of Shame for all the gory details!
bad repairs
Oh yeah!
bad repairs
Don’t even ask, I don’t know…
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bad repairs
I said don’t ask..!

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2 thoughts on “New Hi-Fi Repair Hall of Shame Dedicated to Bad Repairs”

  1. Oh the inhumanity! The last two images kinda make the capacitors look like some kinda alien going for a stroll down the wires…heh….

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