Service & Repair

Frequently asked questions about the service and repair of hi-fi electronics, vintage hi-fi gear, how and when repairs are viable, warranty etc.

What parts wear out in hi-fi electronics?

Both electronic and mechanical components experience wear and other changes over time. Electronic Components Capacitors are common wearable electronic parts, specifically wet aluminium electrolytic types. Wear rates vary according to type, quality of construction, thermal loading, age and hours of use. I’ve seen capacitors fail after 5 years and older parts that are still perfect

What parts wear out in hi-fi electronics? Read More »

I’m thinking of using the cheapest repairer, what are your thoughts?

I suspect most people intuitively understand that ‘cheap’ rarely equates to ‘good’. As my Dad used to say: “You get what you pay for, Mike.” Arthur Fitzpatrick Dad was right and this truism has stayed with me and is reflected in Liquid Audio’s foundations. Surely, a better question must be: Do you want the work

I’m thinking of using the cheapest repairer, what are your thoughts? Read More »

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