…Or should I say – thanks a million…

Seriously, a HUGE thanks to all who’ve visited, read, watched, commented, enquired and trusted me with their amazing hi-fi equipment! It took nine years to achieve the fairly modest milestone of the first million views on this site, let’s hope the next million happens a little faster.

It’s worth mentioning the nearly 1500 comments people have left over the years, also very much appreciated and I really enjoy the interactions with readers. There are also nearly another million views over on my YouTube channel, so check that out if you get a moment.

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The comment count is almost more surprising!


My first ever post on this website was way back in June 2012, although, from memory, the site ran for a year or so prior to this, in a slightly different form. Anyway, thank goodness the posts improved!

In the nine years since, the business has grown from being a part-time operation to a full-time, specialist business, regarded as one of the best, albeit smaller, destinations for good advice and serious work on hi-fi electronics and turntables in Australia. The focus on science, the highest technical quality of work, care and attention to detail are things that I know bring viewers here, and customers to the workshop and I really appreciate that folks value these things as much as I do.

This all still comes from my little operation in Carine. I was filled with doubt about whether I could pull it off on my own, but hoped that the focus on quality would see me succeed. Ultimately it has, with remarkably few bumps along the way. I’ve deliberately kept a lid on the size of the business and I carefully filter the jobs I take on, but if you asked me in 2012 if I thought any of this was possible though, I’d probably have said no. Believing in yourself is important.

My articles have increased demand and prices for models I’ve written about, which is both good and bad! I guess some of them hadn’t been written about and photographed nicely before I got around to doing it. Reviews have been some of my most popular content. My Quad 405 review has been my most popular article so far, followed by the Kenwood KD-550 review, Yamaha NS-1000 review, and my chip-amp LM3886 build article. My turntable articles have been very popular over the years, this being a big part of my focus.

What’s Coming…

This is what I’m most excited about, along with the next million views! Time is my most precious commodity and lack of it has slowed my writing, but all the stories below, and many more, are coming. Some of the most desirable, rarest and most interesting hi-fi gear from the golden age will, as always, be featured right here.

We are only just getting going, here’s a taste of what’s to come.

My KSA-200S repair and full restoration article:

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Technics SE-A100 repair and restoration:

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Articles on repairing the Kenwood L-07D:


The Technics SL-1000/SP-10/FR64:

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My Luxman PD-350/Koestu SA-1100/Supex SDX-1100D:

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Yamaha B-2 repair and restoration:

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“What’s that?” I hear you ask. This? Oh, just a beautiful Yamaha B-2 power amplifier I restored last year. Here you see both channels symmetrically driving my 200W/ch dummy load. For validation and quality assurance, I test amplifiers like this with expensive equipment. The opportunity to restore such a beautiful VFET amplifier to perfect working condition and bring it to you, my viewers, far outweighs any pain that this one caused me, and yes, it caused me some pain!

ME-1400 repair:

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Pioneer PL-1000 repair:

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Sony TA-8250 amplifier:

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Musical Fidelity KW DM-25 DAC repair:

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Nakamichi Dragon service:

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I still love my Perreaux 5150B one of the all-time great solid-state amplifiers. This is a customer unit, in for repair.
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And yes, I still need to write up my repair of this stunning Sansui SA-20000!

The best part is that there are SO many more pieces I’ve not shown, some even more interesting. And this is before I even look at the work I have here! Anyone want to help me write these..?

Again, Thanks!

A site like this is only as good as its viewers and a business is only as good as its customers. Thanks again for coming along for the first million views. Stay tuned, because like I said, we really are only just getting started…

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6 thoughts on “Thanks for One Million Views!”

  1. Congrats with your million views. If you lived in Europe you could recap my KAV 300 IL !!! Great video’s..

  2. Good job Mike!
    Thanks for all the advice with regards to my KD 650 TT and choosing a suitable cartridge and preamp.
    Ray (Canada)

    1. Thanks, Rod and thanks for your business and support over the years. I look forward to assisting you again, though I hope nothing breaks and I don’t have to see you. You know what I mean!

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