Here’s a deck that received some attention whilst it was with me. Come with me for this second #TechnicsMonth article as I repair and service a beautiful Technics SL-M3 linear-tracking turntable.
Do you like awesome turntables, Technics gear and fine furniture? If so, you’ll definitely love the Technics SL-M3 linear tracking direct drive turntable! Few have ever seen a Technics SL-M3 and, as my customers visited to drop off or collect other gear, they would see it and go “Oooh”, “Ahhh” and “What’s that beautiful turntable..?”
Let’s find out more about this elusive deck in my second #TechnicsMonth article. As usual, you can also watch my companion video on the Technics SL-M3, or read on for more.
Bad Timing
The Technics SL-M3 linear tracking direct-drive turntable is one of those classic decks that few people have seen or heard of. That’s mostly due to bad timing, the SL-M3 hit the shops right after CD was released and for those of us that remember the furore, that’s all people cared about for a few years.
Decks like this were released and people just wanted to talk about lasers and unmeasurable wow & flutter. Still, the SL-M3 is a really lovely deck, from a legendary brand. Whilst the build quality is not in the real heavyweight division, it’s still a 15kg well-made turntable with a lovely furniture finish.

The SL-M3 has all the stuff people wanted in a turntable just a couple of years before – direct-drive for low wow & flutter, linear tracking for zero tracking distortion and push-button start, stop and track access, just like CD! A nice, heavy platter, great standard cartridge and space-age styling combine to create a pretty compelling package.
In a way, this deck had it all and yet try to find one for sale today and you’ll see the dilemma. This is just one of many little turntable avenues that one can explore and find so much to enjoy. My customer is a linear tracking turntable nut and I’ve also worked on an SL-10 and SL-V5 for him. I think this SL-M3 is his pride and joy though.
Type: fully automatic
Drive: direct drive
Motor: brushless DC motor
Drive control: quartz phase-locked control
Platter: 325mm, 2.5kg, aluminium die-cast
Pitch control: +-6% range
Speeds: 33 and 45rpm
Wow and flutter: 0.022% WRMS
Rumble: -82dB
Tonearm: dynamically-balanced linear tracking
Effective length: 238mm
Effective mass: 13g (including cartridge)
Cartridge: moving magnet
Replacement stylus: EPS-33ES
Dimensions: 526 x 205 x 425mm
Weight: 15kg
Made: 1984 – 1988
This particular SL-M3 came to me, like so many decks, not playing records properly. The linear tracking mechanism was playing up and the deck would play the first little bit of a record and then get stuck. It sounded bad, the speed adjustment was out and she just needed some TLC.

Mechanical Service
Someone had unfortunately been here before me and broken the stylus guard. That might have been OK if they had glued the guard back onto to the pegs, and not then glued the pegs into the deck. That part was stupid because to service the deck, the stylus guard has to be removed. It can’t be removed if the pegs are glued in place!

Electronic Service
Once the deck is mechanically working properly, it’s time to take care of the electronics. There are two adjustments here, one for reference oscillator frequency, which gives us our non-quartz-locked reference speed and one for platter braking.

Technics SL-M3 Up & Running!
The final part of the service involves cleaning and detailing and the following images show the deck in all its glory, ready to be picked up. In terms of value, these lovely decks vary a lot in price and often don’t work properly, like this one when it came in. I’ve seen them go for between $1000 and $2000 AUD, so choose carefully and be ready to get a comprehensive and expert service on any old deck like this.
As far as being a unique and great sounding deck though, this is right up there. Just look at this beautiful piece of engineering, all designed to extract sound from the groove modulations on a piece of vinyl. Amazing when you think about it.

As always, thanks for stopping by and if you’d like me to shower your Technics SL-M3 or any other Technics linear tracker with some TLC, please get in touch.
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Hey Mike
Got it spinning now.
Top job mate.
Excellent news Nathan and thanks for the feedback, glad you are enjoying that lovely deck!
Hi Mike,
What an interesting looking turntable, didnt know Technics had a turntable like that., Sam
Hi Sam, yes a very cool deck indeed and quite rare these days.
I have the same turntable. Back in 1991 I was stationed in Germany and my buddy wanted to get rid of it. I bought it for $50! Neither one of us knew what we had till years later when I checked eBay! Still works perfectly and is as beautiful as the day it came out of the factory. Probably needs to be serviced I imagine.
Hi Henry, great story, thanks for sharing! Yes, it will definitely need service but a great deck to own and should give many more years of good service.
Nice work !
I have the same turntable it works ok, but drops Cartrige down too quick,i it even bounces a couple of times. Is there a place to put damping fluid in the queuing solenoid ?
Hi Mark and thanks for the feedback. Yes the lift assembly can be serviced but it’s very painful work requiring some serious disassembly. Not one to attempt unless you really have some patience!
Hi Liquid Mike! Glad to see this info here. I recently picked up an SL-M3 from a friend as part of a package deal with an ARC SP-8 tube pre-amp. that had been sitting unused in his closet for about 20 years! I really wasn’t interested in the Technics as I already had a number of good ‘tables, but my friend insisted, and I’m glad he did. This is a fine sounding table, very quiet, with inaudible rumble and good isolation. Mine came with a P mount Grado green, which was OK, but I upgraded to an AT Series V cartridge that really took it up a large notch in sound quality. I had to clean and re-lube the tracking mech. as it was sticky, but I did manage to get it working without disassembling the whole thing. It’s not the ultimate, as comparisons to my Roksan Xerxes/Artemiz/Shelter 501 show it is not in the same league for resolution, but it’s ease of use and quite pleasant character find me playing LP’s even more. That’s a big plus in my book! I am using it in my second system in my living room, and it’s so easy to use I’m not afraid to let my wife or friends play it, which I can’t say for the Xerxes! I still have to get around to polishing the dust cover with auto headlight polish to make it truly mint, but that will happen. It is a quite good sounding and great looking ‘table that will have pride of place in my living room for the foreseeable future! If anyone has a chance to pick one up, do so! It will likely need a bit of maintenance, as it is a 35+ year old and complex piece of gear, but the end results are highly worth it. Cheers!
Hi Phil, glad you found my site and thanks for your comment. Yes, the SL-M3 is a great deck and, correctly set-up, serviced and with the right cartridge, it will give most decks a run for their money. Glad to hear you are happy with yours!